Relationship Report Card Set
Customer Reviews
The Relationship Report Card
by Linda Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
The Relationship Report Card Set includes 20 Grading the Relationship Cards, 20 Grading My Partner Cards, 20 Grading Myself Cards, and one set of instructions. There are enough cards for 10 couples to grade their relationship.
Here's a great way to get couples talking about their relationship. Used in premarital counseling, marriage and family therapy, or parenting classes, the Relationship Report Card allows couples to grade the relationship as a whole, their partner, and themselves—on everything from sense of humor to sexual responsiveness.
The Relationship Report Card provides the kind of honest feedback that's hard to come by—often illuminating troublesome but previously unexpressed issues. It's composed of three separate evaluations: Grading the Relationship, which is completed by each partner and used to determine the overall health of the marriage or union; Grading My Partner, which allows partners to grade each other; and Grading Myself, which asks individuals to grade themselves. Each includes about 40 items plus instructions for use.
Quick, economical, and always interesting and enlightening, the Relationship Report Card never fails to open up a healthy dialogue.